Saturday, October 22, 2011


Tiss the season for colds and viruses !!!
I thought I'd share the wonderful remedies I have come across and use for myself and my little guy. 
Some remedies I won't go without and I keep them on hand at ALL times.  
BIO 88 - BIO 87 from Dr. Reckeweg.
These are anti bacteria homeopathic solutions which help the common cold as well as any bacteria you may catch while away ( down south)  great for stomach viruses as well. 10 drops of each daily for adults and for our little ones (depending on age) 5 drops. (Kept us all happy and healthy when we were in Punta Cana last year!  )
BIO 93 is another one of my favs- a fantastic immune booster for fighting away infections and really any time your feeling run down. 

Also from Dr. Reckeweg ( bless his heart) R1 which helps inflammation, fever,and infection as well as R9 for coughs and sore throat. I use these combined together in a little water at the onset of any cold and within 24 hours i'm usually feeling better ( I say usually, because a cold also means time to rest, and well if I don't re coop  by resting it usually won't be as effective!)

I recently discovered another great duo of homeopathic products made right here in Quebec!!!
These just recently saved Lewis and me from a nasty, nasty green slimy cold!
RHUMALT  and  GRIS PALT  from F.L. Marc H.D.
RHUMALT is for colds, runny nose, congestion, etc. and GRIS PALT is more for flu like symptoms... fever , achy bones, overall drowsiness..etc.  well this time around we had a bit of both so we took both in intervals the cold remedy every 30 mins 5 sprays for me 1 for Lewis and the flu one we took every hour 5 sprays for me 1 for Lewis.  Within 2 days symptoms began to subside MIRACLE!!! Two beautiful products to have in the pantry this season!!!   
For overall health in general , to maintain a cold free environment, lots of vitamin C , echinacea, and vitamin D.( echinaforce junior from A. Vogel, for kids,in chew able form) Lewis loves these they taste great!

So there you have it SOME of my must haves for the season, my pantry and counter top look a lot like a homeopaths' office, or a health food store so I really can't list them all... But these are definitely the ones WE WON'T LIVE WITHOUT for this time of year!

So bundle up, stay warm,  and ARM yourselves, this is just the beginning!


1 comment:

  1. Great tips Laura:)! And just in time...cooler weather making its way;)!
    VERY CUTE PIC:)! xoxoxo
