Friday, October 28, 2011


Thanks to fellow mommies, I have been able to get loads of information we mommies need!!!
A mommy friend Enza,  introduced me to a special mommy blogger.  Reading one of Jenn's many blogs,
I read this post, and went on to read the comments people left and came across this link:
So I started my research and read up on anything I could find on the Montessori bed method. I immediately fell in love with this. It got me in the right place, it felt right.
With  all this new information, off to Ikea we went.
With a few key items, I was able to figure out a way of making Lewis's room fun and a haven where he's able to play and more importantly sleep in!!!  We purchased a twin bed which I placed in the corner of his room and amazingly I was able to introduce a new, safe, independent way for sleep!  YAY! 
Lewis loves it! I made sure to baby proof the whole room, and to have his things at his level, toys and books are  accessable and he's able to get in and out of  his bed when he wants. He was in and out of the room the whole day while I was setting it up. Put in a few stickers along his walls, and poof the room was transformed! Just like that!  Previously his room was literally unused, it was a room we called the baby room but with the cage like crib and everything so untouchable it was unwelcoming to this baby, for play and most of all for sleep. 
The first night was the real test, as I explained in a previous blog, I rock him in his stroller to fall asleep to try and cut the " falling asleep at the breast"  ( so my fear was that if I had him next to me on the bed he would automatically ask for my breast. He didn't !!! I set him on the bed with his bottle and  lay next to him, he finished drinking and looked around,  I  just watched (and prayed) slowly he began to snuggle next to me, he tossed and turned,  sat up and looked some more. Before I knew it he was lying next to me fast asleep . How amazing ! It took about a half hour, hey I could live with that! No more stroller rocking indoors!!! The next test nap time when it's day light out and it's full time play- I used the same technique and IT WORKED!!! A total of roughly 30 mins. and he was in la la land once again!
Such a wonderful thing and I can sleep next to him when he wakes up at night . So happy I discovered this, and introduced it into our lives. I'll definitely keep you posted on the routine of it all...  It's so new right now !
So exciting to enter new fazes with these amazing beings we call kids! 

Here are more pics of the famous Montessori method:
and a few of my own! 

So exciting!

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Tiss the season for colds and viruses !!!
I thought I'd share the wonderful remedies I have come across and use for myself and my little guy. 
Some remedies I won't go without and I keep them on hand at ALL times.  
BIO 88 - BIO 87 from Dr. Reckeweg.
These are anti bacteria homeopathic solutions which help the common cold as well as any bacteria you may catch while away ( down south)  great for stomach viruses as well. 10 drops of each daily for adults and for our little ones (depending on age) 5 drops. (Kept us all happy and healthy when we were in Punta Cana last year!  )
BIO 93 is another one of my favs- a fantastic immune booster for fighting away infections and really any time your feeling run down. 

Also from Dr. Reckeweg ( bless his heart) R1 which helps inflammation, fever,and infection as well as R9 for coughs and sore throat. I use these combined together in a little water at the onset of any cold and within 24 hours i'm usually feeling better ( I say usually, because a cold also means time to rest, and well if I don't re coop  by resting it usually won't be as effective!)

I recently discovered another great duo of homeopathic products made right here in Quebec!!!
These just recently saved Lewis and me from a nasty, nasty green slimy cold!
RHUMALT  and  GRIS PALT  from F.L. Marc H.D.
RHUMALT is for colds, runny nose, congestion, etc. and GRIS PALT is more for flu like symptoms... fever , achy bones, overall drowsiness..etc.  well this time around we had a bit of both so we took both in intervals the cold remedy every 30 mins 5 sprays for me 1 for Lewis and the flu one we took every hour 5 sprays for me 1 for Lewis.  Within 2 days symptoms began to subside MIRACLE!!! Two beautiful products to have in the pantry this season!!!   
For overall health in general , to maintain a cold free environment, lots of vitamin C , echinacea, and vitamin D.( echinaforce junior from A. Vogel, for kids,in chew able form) Lewis loves these they taste great!

So there you have it SOME of my must haves for the season, my pantry and counter top look a lot like a homeopaths' office, or a health food store so I really can't list them all... But these are definitely the ones WE WON'T LIVE WITHOUT for this time of year!

So bundle up, stay warm,  and ARM yourselves, this is just the beginning!


Saturday, October 15, 2011


You know it's been a long time since you've written a blog when.....
You forget your password to !!!
Well, less naps and more play kept mommy and computer away!
Naps well we are now down to one, and lately if we're in the car in the afternoon he'll dose off .. Yes alone and the help of some children singing along on the radio but yup, he takes a power nap and still gets to bed on time. Magic??!! I guess, but getting him to bed is another story all together and really do we want to go there????
OK well let me share a little...
To stop the night feeding ( the feeding before he goes to bed) , I basically put him in the stroller and rocked him to sleep.   Which weened him off the first feeding at least! I got him off that habit which I replaced with the stroller rocking habit,  which i'll have to eventually replace with something else!!!
Isn't it always that way distractions, distractions and more distractions.
Well this works for now so I'm not breaking my head over it, ( I did that already).
It's so funny how after awhile you have no choice but to let loose... by shear exhaustion really.
So I'm just going with the flow of things and really it's changing his sleep habits, he's way more calm when it's bed time and sometimes he'll even initiate it by walking into the room and laying his head on the bed, as to say "I'm tired" . Amazing!!! He still wakes up like clock work, but and yes this is changing too, he doesn't drink as often so the weening IS happening naturally!!! (This is really for those of you who prefer the natural approach rather than the cry it out method, tried it way to hard and long it just didn't feel right to me at the time)
I read sooooooooooooo much material on the topic and like all other arguments there are 2 sides to it. Well I read them both and I was on the fence for awhile. I dabbled a little on the other side but jumped right back . Like I said,  not for me, not right now,  and maybe never , who knows. That's the thing with all this parenting information, why not write a standard instruction manual. How to assemble and work the baby. LOL!!! Would make IKEA 's instruction manuals seem easy !
Every topic, and question has two sides to it, with very valid points might I add. AND everyone you meet has a favorite side they want to tell you about .   (I've learned to keep my mouth shut on certain topics like sleep, vaccines and healthcare with some parents, I almost got my head chewed off at the park once for putting my 2 cents in!!!)
I won't even go near the vaccine topic!!!
But back to my sleeping topic I found this article by Dr. Sears which I thought was a breakthrough for me , on the quest of some peace to night wakings. So I thought I'd share, hope it sheds some light.

sleep tight

8 Infant Sleep Facts Every Parent Should Know

In order to better understand the how-to's of getting you and your baby toenjoy going to sleep and staying asleep, here are some important principles of sleep that every new parent needs to understand.
1. How you sleep. After dressing or undressing for bed, most adults help themselves relax for sleep by performing various bedtime rituals: reading, listening to music, watching TV, or having sex. As you drift into sleep, your higher brain centers begin to rest; enabling you to enter the stage of deep sleep called "non-REM" (non-rapid eye movement -- NREM), or deep sleep (also called quiet sleep). Your mind and body are quietest during this stage of sleep. Your body is still, your breathing is shallow and regular, your muscles are loose, and you're really "zonked." After about an hour and a half in this quiet sleep stage, your brain begins to "wake up" and start working, which brings you out of your deep sleep and into light sleep or active sleep, called rapid eye movement or "REM" sleep. During this stage of sleep your eyes actually move under your eyelids as your brain exercises. You dream and stir, turn over, and may even adjust the covers without fully awakening. It is during this sleep stage that you may fully awaken to go to the bathroom, then return to bed and fall back into a deep sleep. These alternating cycles of light and deep sleep continue every couple hours throughout the night, so that a typical adult may spend an average of six hours in quiet sleep and two hours in active sleep. Thus, you do not sleep deeply all night, even though you may feel as though you do.
2. How babies enter sleep. You're rocking, walking, or nursing your baby and her eyelids droop as she begins to nod off in your arms. Her eyes close completely, but her eyelids continue to flutter and her breathing is still irregular. Her hands and limbs are flexed, and she may startle, twitch, and show fleeting smiles, called "sleep grins." She may even continue a flutter-like sucking. Just as you bend over to deposit your "sleeping" baby in her crib so you can creep quietly away, she awakens and cries. That's because she wasn't fully asleep. She was still in the state of light sleep when you put her down. Now try your proven bedtime ritual again, but continue this ritual longer (about twenty more minutes). You will notice that baby's grimaces and twitches stop; her breathing becomes more regular and shallow, her muscles completely relax. Her fisted hands unfold and her arms and limbs dangle weightlessly. Martha and I call this "limp-limb" sign of deep sleep. Baby is now in a deeper sleep, allowing you to put her down and sneak away, breathing a satisfying sigh of relief that baby is finally resting comfortably.
Babies need to be parented to sleep, not just put to sleep. Some babies can be put down while drowsy yet still awake and drift
others need parental help by being rocked or nursed to sleep.
The reason is that while adults can usually go directly into the state of deep sleep, infants in the early months enter sleep through an initial period of light sleep. After twenty minutes or more they gradually enter deep sleep, from which they are not so easily aroused. As you probably know from experience, if you try to rush your baby to bed while she is still in the initial light sleep period, she will usually awaken. Many parents tell me: "My baby has to be fully asleep before I can put her down." In later months, some babies can enter deep sleep more quickly, bypassing the lengthy light sleep stage. Learn to recognize your baby's sleep stages. Wait until your baby is in a deep sleep stage before transitioning her from one sleeping place to another, such as from your bed to a crib or from carseat to bed or crib.
3. Babies have shorter sleep cycles than you do. Stand adoringly next to your sleeping baby and watch him sleep. About an hour after he goes to sleep, he begins to squirm, he tosses a bit, his eyelids flutter, his face muscles grimace, he breathes irregularly, and his muscles tighten. He is reentering the phase of light sleep. The time of moving from deep to light sleep is a vulnerable period during which many babies will awaken if any upsetting or uncomfortable stimulus, such as hunger, occurs. If the baby does not awaken, he will drift through this light sleep period over the next ten minutes, and descend back into deep sleep. Adult sleep cycles (going from light to deep sleep, and then back to light sleep) lasts an average of 90 minutes. Infants' sleep cycles are shorter, lasting 50 to 60 minutes, so they experience a vulnerable period for nightwaking around every hour or even less. As your baby enters this light sleep, if you lay a comforting hand on your baby's back, sing a soothing lullaby, or just be there next to baby if he is in your bed; you can help him get through this light sleep period without waking.
Some babies need help getting back to sleep.
Some "resettlers" or "self-soothers" can go through this vulnerable period without completely awakening, and if they do wake up, they can ease themselves back into a deep sleep. Other babies need a helping hand, voice, or breast to resettle back into deep sleep. From these unique differences in sleep cycle design, we learn that one of the goals of nighttime parenting is to create a sleeping environment that helps baby go through this vulnerable period of nightwaking and reenter deep sleep without waking up.
4. Babies don't sleep as deeply as you do. Not only do babies take longer to go to sleep and have more frequent vulnerable periods for nightwaking; they have twice as much active, or lighter, sleep as adults. At first glance, this hardly seems fair to parents tired from daylong baby care. Yet, if you consider the developmental principle that babies sleep the way they do -- or don't -- for a vital reason, it may be easier for you to understand your baby's nighttime needs and develop a nighttime parenting style that helps rather than harms your baby's natural sleep rhythms. Here's where I'm at odds with modern sleep trainers who advise a variety of gadgets and techniques designed to help baby sleep more deeply through the night -- for a price, and perhaps at a risk.
5. Nightwaking has survival benefits. In the first few months, babies' needs are the highest, but their ability to communicate their needs is the lowest. Suppose a baby slept deeply most of the night. Some basic needs would go unfulfilled. Tiny babies have tiny tummies, and mother's milk is digested very rapidly. If a baby's stimulus for hunger could not easily arouse her, this would not be good for baby's survival. If baby's nose was stuffed and she could not breathe, or was cold and needed warmth, and her sleep state was so deep that she could not communicate her needs, her survival would be jeopardized.
One thing we have learned during our years in pediatrics is that babies do what they do because they're designed that way. In the case of infant sleep, research suggests that active sleep protects babies. Suppose your baby sleeps like an adult, meaning predominantly deep sleep. Sounds wonderful! For you, perhaps, but not for baby. Suppose baby had a need for warmth, food, or even unobstructed air, but because he was sleeping so deeply he couldn't arouse to recognize and act on these needs. Baby's well being could be threatened. It appears that babies come wired with sleep patterns that enable them to awaken in response to circumstances that threaten their well being. We believe, and research supports, that frequent stages of active (REM) sleep serve the best physiologic interest of babies during the early months, when their well being is most threatened.
Encouraging a baby to sleep too deeply, too soon, may not be in the best survival or developmental interest of the baby. This is why new parents, vulnerable to sleep trainers' claims of getting their baby to sleep through the night, should not feel pressured to get their baby to sleep too long, too deeply, too soon.
6. Nightwaking has developmental benefits. Sleep researchers believe that babies sleep "smarter" than adults do. They theorize that light sleep helps the brain develop because the brain doesn't rest during REM sleep. In fact, blood flow to the brain nearly doubles during REM sleep. (This increased blood flow is particularly evident in the area of the brain that automatically controls breathing.) During REM sleep the body increases its manufacture of certain nerve proteins, the building blocks of the brain. Learning is also thought to occur during the active stage of sleep. The brain may use this time to process information acquired while awake, storing what is beneficial to the individual and discarding what is not. Some sleep researchers believe that REM sleeps acts to auto-stimulate the developing brain, providing beneficial imagery that promotes mental development. During the light sleep stage, the higher centers of the brain keep operating, yet during deep sleep these higher brain centers shut off and the baby functions on her lower brain centers. It is possible that during this stage of rapid brain growth (babies' brains grow to nearly seventy percent of adult volume during the first two years) the brain needs to continue functioning during sleep in order to develop. It is interesting to note that premature babies spend even more of their sleep time (approximately 90 percent) in REM sleep, perhaps to accelerate their brain growth. As you can see, the period of life when humans sleep the most and the brain is developing the most rapidly is also the time when they have the most active sleep. One day as I was explaining the theory that light sleep helps babies' brains develop, a tired mother of a wakeful infant chuckled and said, "If that's true, my baby's going to be very smart."
7. As they grow, babies achieve sleep maturity. "Okay," you say, "I understand this developmental design, but when will my baby sleep through the night?" The age at which babies settle – meaning they go to sleep easily and stay asleep varies widely among babies. Some babies go to sleep easily, but don't stay asleep. Others go to sleep with difficulty but will stay asleep. Other exhausting babies neither want to go to sleep nor stay asleep.
In the first three months, tiny babies seldom sleep for more than four-hour stretches without needing a feeding. Tiny babies have tiny tummies. Yet, they usually sleep a total of 14-18 hours a day. From three to six months, most babies begin to settle. They are awake for longer stretches during the day and some may sleep five-hour stretches at night. Between three to six months, expect one or two nightwakings. You will also see the period of deep sleep lengthen. The vulnerable periods for nightwaking decrease and babies are able to enter deep sleep more quickly. This is called sleep maturity.
An important fact for you to remember is that your baby's sleep habits are more a reflection of your baby's temperament rather than your style of nighttime parenting. And keep in mind that other parents usually exaggerate how long their baby sleeps, as if this were a badge of good parenting, which it isn't. It's not your fault baby wakes up.
8. Babies still wake up. When babies mature into these adult-like sleep patterns varies among babies. Yet, even though babies achieve this sleep maturity some time during the last half of the first year, many still wake up. The reason? Painful stimuli, such as colds and teething pain, become more frequent. Major developmental milestones, such as sitting, crawling, and walking, drive babies to "practice" their new developmental skills in their sleep. Then between one and two years of age, when baby begins to sleep through the above-mentioned wake-up stimuli, other causes of nightwaking occur, such as separation anxiety and nightmares.
Even though you understand why babies are prone to nightwaking, you realize it's still important for parents and babies to get a restful night's sleep, otherwise, baby, the parents, and their relationship won't thrive.